Friday 5 October 2012


Sometimes, we realize that we are just a speck in the universe.  Sometimes, we realize that the universe is just a speck in our mind.
Happiness is what people always seek.  They try to find it in things, positions, wealth and places.  But true happiness is only found in the contentment of our hearts.
Life is not measured by the breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away...:-) good morning everyone.
If one smile can brighten someone's day.  Imagine how bright the world would be, if we all smile.  
Being happy is a matter of choice.  And I choose to be with you.  That makes me truly happy.
Love makes you see the beautiful things that others find ordinary, such as friends and family.
Morning Prayer: I'll walk this day in faith dear Lord. No foe, no storm I'll fear. Trusting in your precious word, I'm safe for You are near.
I just want to greet you hi, the sweetest message with a smile, without a tinge of lie, confident yet a little shy.
Choices, chances, changes.  Your must make a CHOICE, to take a CHANCE, or your life will never CHANGE.
love is like a clock that tic tak in my heart.

Difference between virgins and non_virgins

Two guys are stuck in ocean, and the one(Virgin guy) looks around and sees two islands, the closer island, is inhabited by fat women, but have plenty of food and water, the second island, about 20 times the distance of the first, is full of beautiful virgin women, all of whom have never seen a man, surrounding the second island, are great white sharks, who are waiting for something to eat.

A virgin guy says, the hell with it, i am going to the beautiful women island, and I'm gonna live happily every after...sadly, he is consumed by the sharks.

A non-virgin guy goes to the fat women island, uses the fat women as rafts, and arrives safely to the island full of beautiful women, and fornicates like its goin out of style......

This is a major difference between virgins and non virgins...

Complexities of women

 Complexities of women are so complex that we can assume that Girls are comlex creatures in planet earth.

If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman
If you dont, you are not a man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you don't, you are good for nothing
If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp
If you don't, you are not understanding
If you visit her often, she thinks it is boring
If you don't, she accuses you of double-crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don't, you are a dull boy
If you are jealous, she says it's bad
If you don't, she thinks you do not love her
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her
If you don't, she thinks you do not like her
If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard towait
If she is late, she says that's a girl's way
If you visit another man! , you're not putting in "quality time"
If she is visited by another woman, "oh it's natural,we are girls"
If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold
If you kiss her often, she yells that you are taking advantage
If you fail to help her in crossing the street,you lack ethics
If you do, she thinks it's just one of men's tactics for seduction
If you stare at another woman, she accuses you of flirting
If she is stared by other men, she says that they are just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk

Funny jokes

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the
driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke
up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box
gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought
the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.

A guy is down on his luck. He takes his last $500 and goes to Las Vegas.
Overnight, he has a fantastic run of luck. He stumbles out of the casino and finds a pay phone.

He calls his wife and says, "Honey, pack your bags, I just won over a million dollars in Vegas."

His wife say, "That's wonderful, What should I pack for .... Europe, Asia, the Caribbean?"

He says, "I don't care, just be gone when I get home.

This man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself,
when his wife sneaks up behind him and wacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan.

Man: "What was that for?"
Wife: "What was that piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Marylou written on it?"

Man: "Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races?, Marylou was the name of one of the horse I bet on."

The Wife looked all satisfied and goes off to work around the house.

Three days later he is once again sitting in his chair reading and she repeats the frying pan swatting.

Man: "What the hell was that for this time?"
Wife: "Your horse called."

If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?

- The dog, He'll shut up once you let him in. lol


Diet tips

  1. Eat less. More often. Rather than eating large meals, chop up your eating into smaller portions throughout the day. I found myself eating 3 meals most days and having a snack around 3pm as well as another in the evening. That was enough to keep me from feeling hungry while still eating less in total.
  2. Don't eat right before going to bed. I've read this numerous times and don't get why it works, but it does. I set a limit of 3 hours. So I planned to go to bed at midnight, I wouldn't eat past 9pm.
  3. Brush your teeth early. For whatever reason, I won't eat when my teeth still feel clean. By brushing them several hours before bed, it was easier to accomplish #2.
  4. Kick the sugar habit. If you drink sugared soft drinks (I used to be a Mt. Dew and Coke fan), replace them either with their diet counterparts or water. This can make a very, very big difference.
  5. Eat vegetables before the main course. Whenever possible, I'd make sure to have an ample serving of a vegetable (you get very few calories for the amount you eat) before eating the denser main course--often a meat or fish. You'll need less of the dense stuff to be happy.
  6. Update your spreadsheet daily. Keeping a running count will help you ration out the rest of your daily calorie allowance, which we'll talk about tomorrow.
  7. Get used to leftovers. When you eat out, expect to take some of your meal home. If you eat standard restaurant portions, you'll almost certainly overeat.
  8. Shop with calories in mind. When you're at the grocery store, spends some extra time reading the labels and nutritional information. You'll probably end up changing your shopping habits along the way. You'd be surprised by the how widely the calorie counts in various granola bars varies, for example.
  9. Slow down! When you eat fast, you end up ingesting more food before you body has a chance to figure out that it's satisfied (not full).
  10. Drink more water during the day. This is fairly generic advice, but definitely seems to help.
  11. Trick yourself with gum. Sometimes we eat out of habit or because it just feels good to get some flavor in your mouth and chew for a while. Find yourself some sugar-free chewing gum and use it when the urge strikes.
  12. Reduce the amount of breads, chips, crackers, and salty snacks you eat. A lot of starchy and/or salty food make you want to eat and drink even more. This comes straight out of Atkins diet culture.
  13. There are probably a few things I've forgotten that I'll remember after posting this. If so, I'll add 'em on later. Meanwhile, drop your suggestions below...

Wednesday 3 October 2012

About Life

          Dost thou love life?
      Then do not squander time,
   for that is the stuff life is made of.
           Benjamin Franklin

   Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
           Hellen Keller

Our life's a stage, a comedy: either learn to play and take
   it lightly, or bear its troubles patiently

4 easy ways to reduce breast cancer risk

The Breast Cancer Fund gave us these breast cancer prevention tips--as they say, prevention is power. There are lots of simple things you can do every day that could add up in a big way when it comes to reducing your breast cancer risk.
Take a look:

Avoid overnight work shifts for long stretches. Keeping a regular daily schedule and limiting the number of years that you pull overnight shift works may reduce your breast cancer risk by 33 percent. Overnight shift work over the long-term--and continued exposure to light at night--is associated with 1.5 to 2.5-fold increased breast cancer risk.

Make sure you actually need that X-ray or CT scan. Both can give important information for medical diagnoses--but, according to the Breast Cancer Fund, there's no such thing as a safe dose of radiation, which is the most well-documented environmental cause of breast cancer--so be careful to limit medical radiation, and ask your doctor if there are any alternative tests that don't use radiation (such as ultrasounds). This may be especially important for women with BRCA mutations--"breast cancer genes"--who are under the age of 30 (they have almost four times the risk of breast cancer).

Avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals, such as parabens and synthetic fragrances. While the Breast Cancer Fund says that the science is too new to estimate risk based on chemicals that disrupt hormones--and breast development is guided by those hormones--limiting your exposure "may help explain some of the 50 percent of breast cancer cases where there is no other known risk factor." Here are a few ways of cutting off potential hormone-disrupting chemicals:
- Choose shampoos, conditioners, etc., that are free of parabens and synthetic fragrance (which can contain phthalates and synthetic musks).
- Avoid canned foods, which are lined with the hormone disruptor BPA.
- Use environmentally-friendly cleaning products that are free from alkylphenols and synthetic fragrance, and select products from companies that fully disclose all ingredients (cleaning product companies aren't legally required to do so).
- Choose organic foods, since many pesticides are hormone disruptors and can end up in food and ground water.
- Buy furniture made from old-school materials like cotton and wool instead of highly flammable polyurethane foam, which tend to be full of hormone-disrupting flame retardants.

Limit hormone-replacement therapy after menopause. While menopause may still be pretty far off, it's still important to remember that keeping hormone-replacement therapy to a minimum lowers your breast cancer risk by 26 percent, particularly when avoiding combined estrogen-progesterone therapies.

MTN mobile news paper

Mubi Massacre

 Yola— No fewer than 40 students of the Adamawa State University, the Federal Polytechnic and the School of Health Technology, all in Mubi, Adamawa State have been killed in a midnight attack by gunmen in Mubi.
Some residents put the number of victims at 35 persons while others said 26 students were killed.
The incident happened at about 10 p.m on Monday at Wuro Fatuje, a popular off campus hostel housing students from the three tertiary institutions.

A source at the Federal Polytechnic, Mubi told Vanguard in a telephone conversation that the gunmen invaded the off campus hostel on Monday night and took advantage of the down pour to unleash terror.
The source said the gunmen shot sporadically for hours, adding that this left many students dead, adding that 26 students were confirmed killed on the spot, while scores of others were injured, many of them on danger list.
The source, who quoted eyewitness accounts, added that the  gunfire kept residents of Mubi awake all night, heightening the already tense situation in the area. He said he counted 26 dead bodies at the Mubi General Hospital yesterday morning, even as more bodies were being recovered from the venue of the incident.
The incident came barely a week after the Joint Military Task Force recorded a major breakthrough, arresting over 156 suspected terrorists and discovering a local bomb manufacturing factory as well as cache of arms and ammunition. Since the major breakthrough, a 24-hour curfew has been imposed on Mubi and its environs.
At press time, Brigade Commander of 23 Armoured Brigade, Yola, Brigadier General John Nwoaga; State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Geoffrey Okereke; Director of State Security Service, SSS and other service commanders have relocated to Mubi for on-the-spot assessment of the insecurity problem.
Killers called out students’ names before shooting them —Police
The police have, meantime, officially confirmed that the unknown gunmen that carried out the attack called out the names of the student victims before killing them.
Police said the assailants shot and killed 19 students in an off-campus student housing area, and six other persons including a security guard, a retired soldier and other persons who were not students. Adamawa State Police Command Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Mohammed Ibrahim, in a phone interview with an online publication said 15 students sustained serious injuries and have been hospitalized.
He said: “We are just leaving Mubi with the Commissioner of Police, and Brigade Commander. Nineteen of the 25 persons killed were students. Although the investigation is continuing, there are signs that there may have been some internal factors, but we cannot prove it until we complete our investigation.”
A spokesman for the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, however, said initial reports indicated some of the victims were candidates in the student elections.
Campus politics
The agency’s spokesman, Yushau Shuaib, said “the crisis in Mubi is suspected to have been fuelled by campus politics after an election at the Federal Polytechnic.”
Abdulkarim Bello of the Red Cross said “they were conducting elections in the Federal Polytechnic and unknown gunmen just entered and sprayed people with bullets.”
A student who refused to give his name, said the gunmen were wearing solders’ uniforms, and were calling out the names of  students before killing them, a claim that tallies with the police report.
The student said after surrounding the compound around midnight, the gunmen started taking the students outside, asking their names and shooting them, while others butchered some students with knives. The mutilated corpses were left lined up in the courtyard.
Connection with last Sunday’s SUG elections
The student said the killings were likely to be connected to last Sunday’s Student Union Government elections, which were heavily contested on regional ground between Northern and Southern students in the institution.
A  resident told the BBC: “It is not clear why some were killed and others spared. Some of the dead were Muslims and others Christians. Everybody is scared.”
Collaboration of security operatives
Meanwhile, a security source has said that the killing of the students would not have been possible without the collaboration of terrorists, who migh have infiltrated the security outfit.
The source, who is a Christian member of the security outfit stationed in Mubi, cited the curfew that has been in place in Mubi, Adamawa since January 2012 which starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 6 a.m. daily and stressed that the operatives of the JTF were responsible for the enforcement of the curfew.
The source in an interview with an online publication cautioned that “it was virtually impossible for gunmen to move from the Camerounian border into Mubi or from Maiduguri (Borno) border into Mubi,without the aid of collaborators within the security. There are checkpoints at every corner, and we conduct house to house search from time to time.”
FedPoly shut, exams suspended
The Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State in which scores of students were killed by unidentified gunmen has been closed down and students asked to go home.
Although the school has not issued a formal statement, a source in the school said examination that started yesterday has also been suspended indefinitely.
The source also said thousands of students had fled the school and Mubi town. A fearful student population fled to avoid falling victim of further attacks as their parents kept calling them on phone to return to their home.
At press time, no group has claimed responsibility for the killings.
No cause for alarm —Presidency
Reacting to the dawn attack, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe, in an interview with the BBC, yesterday, urged Nigerians not to panic over the activities because the President Goodluck Jonathan administration was doing enough to checkmate terrorism.
He said: “There is nowhere in the history of the world where local insurgency has been brought under much control at the rate at which it has happened in Nigeria. We are dealing with a very serious sect, the Boko Haram sect.”

1 odd tip for a flat stomach